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Human beings relate to each other through story.

Story is how we've passed knowledge across generations, how we've come to be what we are now. Whether the story you want to tell is for a campaign, to document an important event, to educate, to entertain, or to instigate change - you need the help of an individual who has immersed himself in the craft of storytelling to help you tell it. 

It starts with listening. 

I listen to your story, help you to find its core message, and use my skills to share it with others.

With a creative imagination, I propose new ways of seeing, saying, and telling your story. 

Then I set about whittling, honing, polishing - editing - your story until it's exactly what the world needs. 

Your story emerges fully formed to do its work to move people. 

I have over 17 years of experience developing stories at locations worldwide. From microsurgical procedures, to macroeconomics, to mythical monsters, to a bible on the moon, my breadth of experience with a wide range of subjects provides me with a unique set of tools to draw from to tell your story.